Gemini, macOS 앱(=Bemini)이 나왔네요.

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836 조회
2 댓글
1 추천


오늘 레딧을 서성서리다가 제목의 글이 있길래 가져왔습니다.

아마 많은 분들이 MacGPT를 사용하고 계시겠지만, 설명에 따르면 Bemini(이름 참...)는 API까지 무료라고 합니다.

MAS 링크:

레딧 글:

MacBard is now Bemini and we're on iOS! Our goal is to give users a native Apple experience. Our Mac version now even uses Gemini 1.5 Pro, the latest Gemini model and we are working on bringing it to the iOS app as well. We also now have chat streaming. Check it out.

Bemini isFREEright now and does NOT require your own API key.

We will be updating Bemini and adding new features to give Gemini the same treatment OpenAI is giving to the ChatGPT Mac app.

Bemini is a native app on iOS, iPadOS, and macOS, and visionOS is in the works. visionOS users who wish to use it right now can download the iOS app.

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