로컬 AI 맛보기: Gemma 3, Exaone Deep
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Tensor나 PyTorch 입문서 정도는 읽었지만, 요즘 대세 AI는 잘 모르고 구독도 하지 않고 있습니다(돈이 ㅠㅠ).
Google의 Gemma 3와 LG Exaone Deep이 잘 나왔다고 해서, 노트북에 LM Studio를 설치하고 간단히 테스트를 해봤습니다. 전체적으로 느낀 점은,
여전히 hallucination이 심하네요.
한글을 지원해도 영어로 묻고 답할 때와 한글로 묻고 답할 때, 응답의 양이나 수준이 차이가 납니다.
번역은 DeepL을 쓰는게 낫겠습니다.
맥북에어 m1은 못쓸 정도는 아니지만, 좀 버겁습니다.
테스트 환경은 아래와 같습니다.
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RAM: 16 GB
리들리 스콧의 1982년 작품 "블레이드 러너"에 나오는 유명한 "Tears in rain" 독백을 한글로 번역해 보라고 시켰습니다.
모델: Gemma 3 12b it
다음 문장을 한글로 번역해줘. 이 문장은 영화에서 어떤 등장인물이 죽음을 눈앞에 두고 짧게 자신의 삶을 뒤돌아보는 독백이야. 시적으로 분위기를 살려서 번역해 주길 바래.
I've seen things you people wouldn't believe: Attack ships on fire off the Shoulders of the Orion. I watched C-Beams glitter in the darkness near the Tannhäuser Gate. All those moments will be lost in time like tears in rain. Time to die.
당신들이 상상조차 할 수 없는 일들을 보아왔소: 오리온의 어깨 위에서 불타오르는 공격 함대, 탄헤이머 문 너머 어둠 속에서 빛나는 C-빔의 잔상. 모든 그 순간들은 빗방울처럼 눈물처럼 시간 속에 사라지겠지. 이제… 숨을 거둘 때가 왔소.
모델이 m1에서 돌리기에는 조금 무겁지만, 이 정도의 응답은 금방 내놓습니다. 번역의 수준은, 아무래도 영화의 내용을 이해하지는 못할테니까, 그리고 문법 구조를 딱 맞춘 문장이 아니라서, 그리 만족할 정도는 아니었습니다.
모델: EXAONE-Deep-7.8B-GGUF/EXAONE-Deep-7.8B-Q4_K_M.gguf
같은 질문을 던져보았습니다.
Okay, so I need to translate this English poem into Korean while keeping that poetic feel and the atmosphere of a movie scene where an character is looking back on their life right before death or something similar. Let me start by reading each line carefully.
First line: "I've seen things you people wouldn't believe." The key here is to capture mistrustful/curious tone, maybe using words that convey that the speaker has witnessed something extraordinary but others can’t fathom it yet? Maybe use a term like "사람들이 믿을 수 없는 것들을 보다" (People couldn't believe things...)
Second line: Attack ships on fire off the Shoulders of the Orion. So attacking ships, which are burning or maybe just in flames from above ("Shoulder of Orion")? The word 'Attack planes', but translated as 공격 비행기? But since it’s poetic and part of a movie scene with some epic feel (like space or military), perhaps "오리온 어깨 위의 불꽃 속에 있는 공격 비행기" ? Wait, "off the Shoulders..." might mean above Orion's position. Maybe "오리온의 어깨 위에서 타오르는 불꽃 사이에서 공격 비행기가 날았다." Hmm but original is more about seeing things that people don’t believe exist? Or are happening in such a dramatic way here (ships burning). So maybe the first line sets up that there were events so unbelievable, even though they happened. The second lines describe those specific moments like attack ships on fire off Orion's shoulders...
Third Line: "I watched C-Beams glitter through darkness near Tannhäuser Gate." Wait original might be using 'C Beam', maybe a type of laser or something glowing in the dark? And related to a place called Tannhäuser Gate. So translating that as C빔이 어둠 속에서 Tannhäuser 게이트 주변을 지나는 것을 지켜보았다.?
Fourth Line: "All those moments will be lost like tears in rain." Tears and rain mixing for melancholy, maybe the fleeting nature of time? So "그런 순간들은 비처럼 흐르는 눈물처럼 시간 속에 녹아버릴 거야" ? But need to keep it poetic. Maybe "시간의 흐름 속에서 눈물과 같은 방식으로 잊혀져갈 그 순간들이 있었지."
Last line: Time is running out... but the user hasn't given a last part here, maybe that’s implied? Wait original ends with just those four lines as presented by you. The movie scene context suggests it might end on time to die or something similar though not in your provided text beyond what I have now).
Hmm also need to make the translation flow poetically like a poem and fit natural Korean rhythm without being too literal? Maybe adjust some words for better imagery alignment with the source's metaphors. Also check if Tannhäuser Gate has another name or is it just transliterated, maybe in Korea called 타누스하이어 게이트? Probably keep as Tannhäuser Gate but written in English terms since perhaps that’s a proper noun unless there isn’t an official Korean translation for the movie.
Wait also "C-Beams" might be referring to something specific from a certain work, maybe Star Wars or another film where C-beams are known? Wait no—maybe it's just part of some fictional setting here in any case that’s not clear so perhaps keep the translation as is with explanations.
First line: "보면 사람들이 믿지 않을 만한 것들" ? Or maybe "사람이 알지 못하는 것들의 존재를 목격했다." But need to include 'I've seen things... people wouldn’t believe'. Maybe “나는 사람들이 믿지 않을 만큼 놀라운 일들을 보았어.” Then second line: 공격 비행기가 오리온 어깨 위에서 타오르는 불꽃 사이로 날고 있었을까? Or perhaps "공격함의 불꽃 아래 Orion의 어깨 위를 배경으로" maybe not. Alternatively, "오리온의 어깨 위로 불길이 타오르는 상황에서 공격 비행기들이 날아들었다."
Third line: "C-Beams glitter in the darkness near Tannhäuser Gate". "C 빔은 어둠 속에서 Tannhäuser 게이트 근처에 빛을 발하며 있었다." Maybe C-Beam is a laser or some kind of beam that's shining through.
Fourth line: "All those moments will be lost in time like tears in rain" → "그런 순간들은 시간의 흐름 속에서 눈물처럼 비가 오듯이 사라지는 것 같았어?" Or more poetic maybe “시간의 흐름에 따라 눈물과 같아지며 잊혀져가는 순간들이었다.”
Putting it all together:
- 나는 사람들이 믿을 수 없는 것들을 보다 보았어. (I saw things that people couldn’t believe)
- 오리온의 어깨 위에서 불꽃이 타오르고 있던 때에 공격 비행기가 날아들었지?
- Tannhäuser 게이트 근처 어둠 속에서 C-Beams이 빛을 발하고 있 었어.
- 그 모든 순간들은 시간 속에 눈물처럼 녹아내려갈 것 같아.
But maybe adjust for rhyme or rhythm in Korean to make it more poetic? Maybe using some alliteration, and ensuring the metaphors align better with natural flow here is important because this seems like a dramatic scene where time feels fleeting but there's also an epic quality from the attack ships on fire etc., so combining that.
Here’s your translation, capturing both poetic flairandthe existential, cinematic tone of the original:
나는 사람들이 믿을 수 없는 것들을 보다 보았어...
사람의 눈으로는 볼 수 없는 불꽃과 같은 순간을 목격했지. 오리온의 어깨 위로 폭발이 들어오고 있던 그 순간에, 공격 비행기가 불꽃 속에서 날아들었다.Tannhäuser 게이트 주변 어둠 속에서 C-Beams의 빛이 희미하게 반짝였어...
시간은 흐르며 그 빛을 흡수하 듯, 눈물처럼 사라지는 순간들을 남겼지 않을까?
- 나머지 라인들을 확장하면: *
그 모든 기억은 시간의 흐름에 따라 눈물 같은 속도로 잊혀져갔지...
마지막 순간을 생각하며, 주인님이 원하시는 분위기를 최대한 유지하려면 각 행의 흐름과 리듬을 자연스럽게 연결시키려고 노력했습니다. 특히 "눈물"과 "시간"의 이미지를 강조해 짧은 삶의 무게감을 전달했으며, 군사적 긴장감과 우주적 스케일(오리온)이 공존하도록 표현했습니다.혹시 더 구체적인 이미지 묘사나 비유를 원하신다면 추가로 조정 가능합니다!
어떤 분이 Exaone은 무지 수다스럽다고 쓰신 글을 봤는데, 무슨 뜻인지 이해가 팍 갔습니다. Exaone Deep은 뭐랄까요, 이것저것 아는 것은 많은데, 정작 내가 묻는 것에 대해서는 아무 것도 모르고, 그래도 자기가 아는 걸 가지고 이리저리 꿰맞추면서 그 과정을 주절주절 늘어놓는 똑똑이를 보는 것 같았습니다.
뭐 이리 간단한 걸 질질 오래 끄는지, 그냥 제가 번역하는 게 훨씬 훨씬 빠릅니다.
모델: EXAONE-Deep-7.8B-GGUF/EXAONE-Deep-7.8B-Q8_0.gguf
위의 결과가 만족스럽지 않아서, 약간 다른 모델을 적용해 보았습니다.
응답 :
Okay, let me try to tackle this translation request step by step. The user wants a movie scene's dialogue translated into Korean with a poetic and atmospheric vibe. First, I need the original text provided here is English from what seems like Star Wars due to references: "Attack ships on fire" (probably Star Destroyers), C-Beam related terms ("C-beam"), Tannhäuser Gate—wait, actually in Star Wars there's a Tanhaeus Gate? Hmm maybe it refers to the entrance or an area near that. Wait perhaps I should verify if "Tannhäuser" is correct here because sometimes mistranslations can happen even from original sources meant for another language like German (since Tannhäuser sounds German). Alternatively, in some contexts related to Star Wars maybe it's a different term? Or could this be part of the user’s own writing with creative liberties. Let me proceed carefully assuming these are correct as given by them despite possible etymological issues since they want the translation for their specific sentence which includes those terms probably from another language (maybe originally German or similar).
First, breaking down each line: The first two lines talk about seeing attack ships on fire off Orion's shoulders—so using "Shoulders of the Orion" might refer to a location in space. Then C-Beams glitter near Tannhäuser Gate (Gate being an entrance or portal perhaps). The last three stanzas are more introspective, talking how moments vanish like tears/rain and then Time To Die as conclusion with the death impending scenario?
The user wants it translated into Korean while keeping a poetic feel. So I should focus on maintaining imagery but also adapting to natural flow in KOJ. Since some terms might not have direct equivalents: "C-Beam" could be left intact if they’re proper nouns, or maybe adapted as "C빔" using the beam characters? But perhaps better check common usage—maybe C-Beams are known from other contexts like Star Wars, so retaining them in English with Korean explanation might help. Alternatively translating to a similar concept but I think keeping original terms if possible is key for poetic effect here since they're part of creating atmosphere tied directly (as references).
The lines also include metaphors: "lost in time / tears/rain" which are classic literary allusions, so those need to be translated while preserving the imagery. For instance, 'tears like rain’ could become '눈물 같은 비' or more poetically '눈물이 비처럼...' but ensuring it flows naturally without being forced?
Also note line breaks and structure in English—maybe keeping some spacing for rhythm even though that might be tricky as the user specifies "한글으로 번역" which is just plain text unless they want a lyrical form like verse. The original seems to have four stanzas: first two lines about observing, then next three are more reflective with time and death themes?
Possible translations step by step line-byline for accuracy but also considering poetic expression in Korean; using words that evoke imagery similar—fire could be '화염', Orion's shoulders might translate to '오리온의 어깨들'. C-Beam as 'C빔' perhaps, Tannhäuser Gate: since "Tannhäuser" is a German name (like Tanhaeus Gate in some contexts referring maybe an entrance or gate with that origin). Since translating directly would be '타렌즈하이어 게이트', but whether to keep the original term if it’s part of proper noun? If this refers from another language like a song lyric originally written by someone using German terms, then perhaps keeping those names as is. But in standard translation context for general audience maybe adapting into local terminology isn't possible so preserving could be better here even with some awkwardness because the user wants to capture that specific atmosphere tied directly through these references which may not have direct equivalents otherwise (e.g., "C-Beams" are a known concept from Star Wars universe, perhaps they’re part of an original quote but used in another context?).
Time: The lines about time being like tears/rain might translate to '시간은 눈물과 같은 비처럼' where the comparison between fleeting moments and rain (which is transient) etc. So maybe "시간의 흐름 속에 모든 순간이 눈물과 비처럼 잊혀져간다" or similar, but need a concise version that fits naturally with rhythm in lines of poetry?
Let me draft each line:
First two stanzas about observing the ships and C-Beams near Tannhäuser Gate. Maybe start as:
"보셨을 분이 믿지 않을 공격함선들의 불꽃: 오리온의 어깨 위에서 불붙은 공격함선들이었지?" Or maybe more like "보셨던 사람들도 믿지 못할 공격함선들의 불꽃": but the original says 'I've seen things you people wouldn’t believe...', so translating as "나는 사람들이 믿지 않을 것 같은 것들을 보았어" which can flow poetically? But in a more poetic way, maybe using a narrative style. However since it is supposed to be the character's first-person observation with some dramatic flair perhaps the translation should maintain an active voice and vivid descriptions even if slightly direct but keeping rhythm similar by line breaks or enjambment where possible without being too literal?
Second stanza: "I watched C-Beams glitter in the darkness near the Tannhäuser Gate."
Translating as "C빔들이 어둠 속에서 타렌즈하이어 게이트 주변에서 반짝이고 있었지?" Perhaps '타렌즈하이어' if it’s kept original, but maybe that term isn't familiar to all Korean learners. Alternatively translating into a more generic door/gate name? But since the user mentions this is for an artistic translation aiming at atmosphere and possibly using specific references from another language or source text (maybe originally in German), better keep as '타렌즈하이어 게이트'.
Third stanza: "All those moments will be lost in time, like tears / rain."
This part might need a poetic twist. Perhaps combining the two ideas of tears and rain into one phrase for flow? So "시간 속에서 모두 잊혀져 버릴 것 같은 순간들처럼 눈물이 비처럼 흩날리고 있다" or something where '눈물' (tears) is like rainfall, implying they too are fleeting as in rain; but to keep lines concise. Maybe shorter sentences with parallelism:
"모든 순간들이 시간의 흐름 속에서 눈물과 같은 비에 의해 흩어져 버린다." Or "시간이 모든 것을 잊게 하는 것처럼, 눈물 같은 비가 모든 기억을 씻어 내린다." But need the structure of 'lost in time like tears/rain' to be captured.
Last line: Time To Die → "죽음의 시간이 온다" but more poetic? Maybe "시간이 죽음에 닿을 때". Alternatively keeping it as a direct translation would preserve some impact, perhaps "시간은 죽어야 한다." Hmmm maybe better phrasing like '시간은 죽음을 향하고 있다'
Alternatively considering the original is more dramatic. Let me think of possible options:
Putting together with flow in mind for poetic effect and keeping imagery sharp without being too literal where it would lose meaning, but following user’s instruction to "시적으로 분위기를 살리면서 번역" so maybe structuring each line like a verse or poem? Maybe using spaces appropriately. Let me try composing the entire translation step by first lines:
나는 사람들이 믿지 않을 것 같은 순간들을 목격했어: 오리온의 어깨 위에서 불꽃 속에 공격함선들이 불타고 있었다. C빔이 어둠 속에서 타렌즈하이어 게이트 주변을 반짝이며 빛나다. 그 모든 순간들은 시간의 흐름처럼 눈물과 같은 비에 의해 사라지곤 했다. 시간은 죽음을 향해 가는길이다!
Hmm but the last line in original is "Time to die." Maybe better '죽음으로 향하는 시간' or more directly, maybe keeping it as a phrase like "죽어야 할 시간이 왔다" ? Or keep direct translation: "시간은 죽으러 가는 거야". But perhaps for poetic effect and flow using some metaphors.
Alternatively considering the original has four lines grouped in pairs? First two observations then reflection on time loss, leading to death's approach." Let me check each line again with better attention possible terms like 'Tannhäuser Gate'. Wait maybe "Tannhäuser" is actually referring back or a mistranslation. In Star Wars lore there isn’t exactly Tannhaeus but perhaps the user intended it as part of creative writing? Since they included these specific nouns, we can't assume alternate meanings and need to translate them directly unless told otherwise (since no context beyond given text is available).
Another thought: "C-Beams" might refer in original a name for something else; perhaps the user has translated it from another language where 'C-Beam’ exists? If not, then keeping as C-Beam but maybe using Korean characters to write if possible. But since they're likely proper nouns now part of this specific text/quote being quoted by them (maybe a song lyric or script), better keep the terms intact for recognition and atmosphere even with mixed English letters unless it’s an actual term needing explanation, which there isn't here except maybe "C-Beam" as a loanword.
Putting together in more natural flow:
보셨을 분들이 믿지 않을 것 같은 모든 일들을 보았습니다: 오리온의 어깨 위에서 불꽃으로 타는 공격함선들과 C-빔들이 어두운 곳에서 빛을 발하고 있었어요. 그 순간들은 시간 속에서 눈물처럼 사라지곤 하죠, 비보다 빠르게! 죽음이 가까워진 것 같아요... 시간은 이제 저를 기다리고 있네요.
Hmm maybe the user wants each line to be translated as a separate poetic verse? Or keep lines similar but with natural flow in Korean even if some words are more direct translations because of grammar constraints, since languages structure differently than English can affect rhythm and feeling when translating poetry (like enjambment). Alternatively keeping punctuation like slashes or dashes where appropriate.
Alternatively another approach: using space to separate thoughts while maintaining the imagery with minimal changes but ensuring it flows naturally in Korean without losing meaning from original's poetic elements, even if some lines become slightly rephrased for linguistic reasonability (like "fire" as "화염") that still conveys same idea. Let me try again line by sentence:
- I've seen things you people wouldn’t believe → 사람들이 믿지 않을 것 같은 일들을 보았어.
- Attack ships on fire off the Shoulders of the Orion : 오리온의 어깨 위로 불꽃에 타는 공격함선들이었다. 3 ) C-Beams glitter in darkness near Tannhäuser Gate → C빔이 어둠 속에서 타렌즈하이어 게이트 주변을 반짝이고 있었다.
- All those moments... lost like tears/rain -> 그 모든 순간들은 시간의 흐름과 같이 눈물 같은 비에 의해 사라지곤 했어. 5 ) Time to die : 죽음으로 가는 시간... → 시간이 죽으러 간다면, 또는 시간은 죽음을 향하고 있다.
But combining all into a continuous flow without line breaks might disrupt the rhythm so perhaps using spaces or enjambment where possible? Though in plain text it's just each translated sentence separated by periods and maybe punctuation like slashes between lines to separate ideas as per original structure (the first two are observations, then next is reflection on time loss etc.).
Another angle: the user might want the translation more poetic than literal but still accurate enough while keeping terms that reference specific concepts from another language or context intact for atmosphere and recognition by readers familiar with them even if they don't know their origin (like a fan of Star Wars would recognize "Attack ships on fire" as part of a well-known scene).
Alternatively, is there any chance the original was translated into English here from another language where terms like 'Tannhäuser Gate’ have direct equivalents? For example if it's originally in German (since Tannhäuse sounds familiar), but even so without more context hard to know. But since user provided exact phrases, I needn’t second-guess and just translate the given text as is into Korean with their terms preserved where possible because they might have specific significance or be proper nouns from another language (maybe a song lyric originally in German that someone translated partially).
Thus my translation should preserve those key names like C-Beam, Tannhäuser Gate even if the other words are naturalized. The challenge is to make sure each line has poetic feel—using vivid imagery and flow common for poetry or film dialogue which often uses metaphors (like time as a river? but in this case tears/rain).
Let me try putting all together with minimal changes except where necessary, using enjambment if possible. Let's see:
보셨을 사람들이 믿지 않을 것 같은 모든 순간들을 보았습니다; 오리온의 어깨 위에서 불꽃에 타는 공격함선들이었고 C빔이 어둠 속에서 빛납니다. 타렌즈하이어 게이트 근처에서... 그 순간들은 시간의 흐름처럼 눈물과 같은 비에 의해 잊혀져갑니다; 시간은 죽음으로 향하고 있으니 모든 순간은 잠깐이네, 죽어야 할 때가 오면...
Hmm but line breaks may be needed as in the original. Alternatively:
나는 사람들이 믿지 않을 공격함선들의 불꽃을 보았어—오리온의 어깨 위에서.
C빔의 빛은 어둠 속에서 타렌즈하이어 게이트 곁에서 반짝이고 있었다.
그 순간들이 시간 속에서 눈물과 같은 비처럼 사라지곤 했지...
시간이 죽음을 향해 가는 이 순간부터 모든 것은 시작되리라!Alternatively breaking into four lines as the original's structure: first two observations, then time and death part? Let me parse again with punctuation in mind. The user might expect line breaks preserved for each of their sentences but since they’re asking just to translate without specifying formatting beyond "한글으로", maybe it can be presented per sentence joined appropriately while keeping flow through spaces or slashes between thoughts where the original has a pause like semicolon etc.?
Wait in English, first two lines are connected with commas ("seen things people..." followed by another phrase), so perhaps translation should reflect that connection. Let me try again:
"보셨을 사람들이 믿지 않을 모든 것들은 오리온의 어깨 위에서 불꽃을 입힌 공격함선들이었다."
(First line combines I've seen ... with the Attack ships part) Alternatively, keeping each as separate sentences for clearer flow. It might depend on what effect they want; in poetic form perhaps enjambment is better but not sure how it will sound without knowing more context of target audience language’s typical rhythm?Alternatively if I take a look at the original structure again: first stanza has two lines, second another line about C-Beams and Tannhäuser Gate. Then third statement on time/tears rain fourth being death to come (or "time" as an entity directing towards die). Hmm maybe three stanzas but user’s given four sentences split into ? Wait the original is: 4 lines total? Let me confirm again from their input message, they pasted exactly this text in English. The structure here would be like line1 and2 (attackships) then next two as C-Beams near Tannhäuser Gate followed by all those moments..., time to die—so four stanzas each being a sentence? Or grouped into first stanza 4 lines, but split between the user's provided text. Wait exact original is: I’ve seen... (line1), Attack ships on fire off Shoulders of Orion.(line2) Then line3 starts with "I watched C-Beams glitter in darkness near Tannhäuser Gate." Line4 All those moments lost..., then Time to die as fifth? Wait no— user input was four sentences: Let me count. The text given is exactly 5 lines maybe splitting into five separate statements or grouped differently perhaps with line breaks like this (exact): the English version they provided has each of these separated by newlines, so total probably split across multiple "sentences" but in poetry it could be a stanza divided as follows: Line1-2 first pair. Line3 second part? Not sure—maybe best to keep all four lines with their original grouping (assuming the user's line breaks are preserved except for possible errors). 4 sentences, each on its own thought but in poem structure perhaps forming a quatrain or similar when translated into Korean poetry terms if needed. But since it’s movie dialogue and the instruction is to "시적으로 분위기를 살리고" (give poetic atmosphere), maybe formatting as lines separated with line breaks for rhythm would be good even without stanza numbers, so:
보셨을 사람들이 믿지 않을 모든 일들은 오리온의 어깨 위에서 불꽃으로 타는 공격함선들과 같아.
C빔이 어둠 속에서 타렌즈하이어 게이트의 근처에서 빛을 발하고 있었다.
그 모든 순간들은 시간의 흐름에 따라 눈물처럼 사라지곤 했고, 비보다 더 빠르게 vanishing해 갔다.
시간은 죽음으로 가는 길인지라, 이제 모든 것은 그 이름 앞에서 작아져간다... --- but need to check each translation's flow and naturalness in Korean while keeping the key terms (C-Beam etc) as they are for authenticity? Or would that break it more if people don’t recognize those proper nouns. Since this is a direct quote with specific references, I think retaining them even possibly mixed English letters could be better to preserve context exactly how original text refers without translation of the names themselves (since maybe in their source material these terms aren't translated into Korean elsewhere). The user wants "시적으로 분위기를 살리는 번역"—so keeping those proper nouns is likely important for that atmosphere.Final attempt, ensuring each line captures both literal meaning and poetic feel with appropriate imagery: perhaps using space instead of periods where the original had a pause or new lines to separate thoughts but presented as plain text without explicit formatting beyond spacing maybe? Here's one possible translation split into four parts separated by spaces for visual effect if needed. Alternatively, present each line translated individually in sequence since they’re part of continuous thought (like monologue). Let me try:
보셨을 사람들이 믿지 않을 것 같은 모든 일들은 오리온의 어깨 위에서 타는 공격함선들과 C빔의 빛과 함께 했어.
그 순간들은 시간 속에 녹아 없어지듯 눈물과 같은 비처럼 사라지곤 했고, 이제 죽음이 가까워져온다.Maybe this is too much poetic license but needs to stay true as per instructions (translate the given English into Korean with poetry feel). Alternatively:
사람들은 믿지 않을 공격함선들이 불꽃으로 타는 것과 C빔의 빛이 어둠 속에서 반짝이는 모습을 보았다.
그 순간들은 시간에 의해 눈물처럼 사라지며 비보다도 빠르게 vanishing한다... 죽음이 가까웠길래 Time to die가 시작되었다.Hmm, but "Time" as a person maybe? Wait in the original it's just “time” so translating directly:
I’ve seen things you people wouldn’t believe : [first part] then time is next sentence... So fourth line says all those moments lost..., fifth (if there are five?) or actually let me count again. The user input was four lines? Let's see exactly the original text as given: "I've seen things you people wouldn’t believe : Attack ships on fire off the Shoulders of the Orion." Then next line " I watched C-Beams glitter in the darkness near the Tannhäuser Gate. All those moments will be lost... Time to die.\n\r\n" Ah, actually splitting into 4 sentences? Let me see: The original is split by periods and newlines as follows (with quotes): I've seen ... believe : Attack ships on fire off the Shoulders of Orion.) Then next line starts with "I watched...", then another sentence after that ("All those moments will be lost ..."), followed finally "'Time to die." So perhaps it is four sentences? Or maybe five if counting each part separated by a colon or something. Wait user pasted in their message: the text between quotes has exactly 5 lines when split, but let's check precisely with line breaks as they inputted here (looking at markdown): The exact given English sentence after "다음 문장을 한글로 번역해줘." is this block quoted via triple backticks? Let me recheck. Original user message: the text to translate was enclosed in “” and has four lines separated by \n\r:\ etc.? Alternatively, perhaps each line ends with a period or colon but how exactly they split matters for structure here). For accuracy’s sake I need not overcomplicate; since it's translated as 4 sentences: Line1-2 form one sentence (with the first "I have seen..." followed by Attack ships part), then next two lines are separate, and last line. But given that each is separated into its own phrase with punctuation like colon or newlines possibly meaning they should be considered four distinct parts when translated? Alternatively it's just a poem split over multiple phrases but treated as continuous thought so the translation can present all together in flow without breaking structure unless required by language (like Korean may require different sentence structures). But given that user asks for 시적으로 분위기를 살려서 번역해 주길 바래 — to keep poetic feel, I needn’t worry about strict grammar rules if it conveys atmosphere.
Final attempt:
보셨을 사람들이 믿지 않을 모든 순간과 광경은 오리온의 어깨 위에서 타오르는 공격함선들과 함께 있었습니다;
C빔의 빛은 어둠 속에서 타렌즈하이어 게이트의 가장자리에서 반짝이며 있었고, 그 빛은 밤을 비추었죠.
그 모든 추억들이 시간에 따라 눈물처럼 사라지 듯, 비보다 빠르게 vanish해갔습니다...
시간이 흐르면서 나는 죽음의 문턱에 임박했다는 것을 깨달았다—Time to die가 시작된 순간이었습니다. --- --- But perhaps the last line is just "시간을 죽였다" or more naturally phrased in Korean? The original ends with 'Time' as a concept, so maybe translating it directly would be better for poetic effect here: keeping “Time” and then proceeding to actions like die. Alternatively use "죽음의 시간이 도래했다." Another version focusing on preserving each line’s essence without overcomplicating structure but ensuring natural flow in Korean while using terms that evoke poetry (maybe alliteration or metaphors):보셨을 사람들이 믿지 않을 공격함선들의 불꽃과 C빔의 빛—오리온의 어깨 위에서 시작된 모든 순간은 시간의 흐름에 따라 눈물처럼 사라지곤 했습니다.
그 짧은 삶의 기억들이 어둠 속에서 희미해지 듯, 죽음이라는 그림자가 다가오고 있었죠...
나는 이제 Time을 통제할 수 없으니, 모든 것은 이 순간 이후로 줄어들어갑니다—Time to die를 외치며... --- --- Maybe "시간"을 개인에게 의인화하거나 자연물로 표현하여 시적 느낌을 더할 수 있겠지만, 원본의 의미를 정확히 전달해야 하므로 가능한 한 그대로 유지하면서 흐름을 맞추는 게 중요합니다. 각 줄을 번역했는지 확인하고, 특히 “Tears in rain” 부분은 눈물 같은 비처럼 시간 속에서 사라진다는 의미를 전달하는 것이 좋습니다.After several iterations aiming for both accuracy and poetic flow while retaining key terms like C-Beam and Tannhäuser Gate:
보셨을 사람들이 믿지 않을 모든 장면들은 오리온 어깨 위의 불꽃과 C빔의 빛으로 시작되었고, 그 짧은 시간들은 눈물 같은 비에 녹아 사라졌습니다.
시간은 죽음을 향해 흘러가며 모든 순간을 삼키는 듯, Time이 "죽어야 한다"를 외친 후 자취를 잃어가고 있다... ---But perhaps the most faithful and poetic translation would be:
사람들이 믿지 않을 공격함선들의 불꽃과 C빔의 빛은 오리온 어깨 위에서 시작되었습니다;
그 짧은 순간들은 시간 속에 녹아 없어지는 눈물 같고 비처럼 vanishing해 갑니다. 죽음이 다가왔다를 경고하며 Time은 이제 끝나가고 있답니다... --- 59th iteration, but perhaps this is sufficient after considering options and constraints? The key terms must remain recognizable even if the rest adapts to natural flow in Korean poetry style (like using classical or free verse elements). Since it's a movie monologue with emotional weight from facing death’s imminent arrival.보셨을 사람들이 믿지 않을 모든 순간과 광경은 오리온의 어깨 위에서 타오르는 공격함선들과 C빔의 빛으로 시작되었습니다;
그 짧은 삶의 기억들은 시간에 의해 눈물처럼 사라지듯, 비보다 더 빠르게 vanish해갔습니다. 죽음이라는 그림자가 가까이 오면서 Time은 이제 끝나갈 것 같았죠... ---이 번역은 영화 장면의 시적 분위기를 유지하면서 원본의 의미와 감정을 전달합니다. "C-Beam"과 "Tannhäuser Gate"는 그대로 유지되어 특별한 상황이나 구체적인 설정을 떠올리게 합니다. 시간과 죽음에 대한 주제를 강조하기 위해 "Time은 이제 끝나갈 것 같았죠"처럼 표현했습니다.
이건 말도 더 많아지고 시간도 더 걸립니다.
Exaone Deep이 아주 잘 나왔다고 하는데, 뭔가 이상합니다. 제가 뭔가 잘못하고 있거나 세팅이 잘못된 걸까요?
아스트리우스님의 댓글

나는 너희가 믿지 못할 것들을 보았다. 오리온의 어깨 너머 불타는 공격함들. 탄호이저 문 근처 어둠 속에서 반짝이는 C-빔들. 그 모든 순간은 빗속의 눈물처럼 시간 속에 묻히리라. 이제 죽을 때가 왔구나.
칼쓰뎅님의 댓글

그 이하급은... 알고있는 양 자체가 너무 적어져서 대응이 안되는거 같아요.
10b 급 모델에서는 최소 8bit양자화는 해야 그나마 퀄리티 유지가 됩니다. 그 이하는...급격히 내려가는 느낌이 납니다.
그래서 24GB vram이 기본사양이고, 권장사양은 2GPU가 됩니다.
(전자는 32b 4비트 양자화. 후자는 70b급 4비트 양자화가 돌아가므로)
모빌맨님의 댓글
'한글' 대신 '한국어'로 바꿔서 질문을 했더니, 중간에 생각하는 과정은 거의 유사한데...
</thought> 이후로 이렇게 답을 주네요.
이 문장은 영화 속 한 등장인물의 죽음을 앞두고 삶을 성찰하는 내면 독백입니다. 시적 분위기를 유지하면서 번역해 주세요.
보았던 것들은 사람들이 믿지 않을 정도의 것들—오리온 어깨 위에 불꽃을 품은 함대의 공격! C빔이 어둠 속에서 반짝이며 탄나하우스 게이트 곁에 빛을 던졌다. 그 모든 순간은 시간의 흐름 속에 눈물처럼 녹아내리는 것 같아서, 비 속의 Tears 같은 순간들이 영원히 사라지지 않길 바라지만... 죽음의 시간이 시작되었다.
번역 과정 설명:
시적 이미지 유지: "C-Beams glitter in the darkness"를 "C빔이 어둠 속에서 반짝이며"로 번역해 현대적이고 상상력 넘치는 느낌을 유지했습니다.
스타워즈 맥락 반영: "Shoulders of Orion"의 전략적 의미와 "Tannhäuser Gate"의 적의 기지 이미지를 한국어로 자연스럽게 표현했습니다 (오리온의 어깨 → "오리온 어깨 위").
시간적 흐름: "lost in time like tears in rain"을 "눈물 같은 비 속에 녹는 것 같아서"로 번역해 시적인 비유와 시간의 흐름이 잘 연결되도록 했습니다.
낭랑한 톤 유지: 영화 장면 특유의 긴장감과 서정적 감성을 균형 있게 전달했으며, 각 문장을 짧고 강렬한 표현으로 재구성했습니다.
이렇게 나오네요.