
(탄핵 재표결 2일 전)   🔥 제목 시위는 [말머리] 또는 임시게시판(불타는앙)을 이용바랍니다.

롤리팝맨 아제르바이잔 GP 떴네요.


페이지 정보

작성자 트라팔가야 58.♡.217.6
작성일 2024.09.18 23:19
387 조회
2 추천


아래 슬랭을 알고 가면 좋습니다.


Rizz is short for “charisma,”

“Sigma” is slang for someone who's cool, but who plays by their own rules.

'Ohio' or 'only in Ohio' refers to something weird, cringey, off the wall or embarrassing.

According to Urban Dictionary, 'GYAT', or 'GYATT' is a shortened term for 'goddamn' that guys use when they see a girl, usually with a curvy body type, they think is attractive.

Skibidi (Skibidi toilet): "Skibidi" refers to a series of surrealist videos popular on Youtube, which features an army of human-headed toilets fighting a war against another army of camera-headed men, according to Forbes. Skibidi as a slang word is largely meaningless and is a simple reference to the video series.

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뭉코건볼님의 댓글

작성자 뭉코건볼 (175.♡.111.189)
작성일 09.19 09:13
실제로 저 단어들이 젠Z 슬랭이긴 합니다 ㅋㅋ 저희 애들이 쓰는걸 들었거든요;;
이와중에 중견(?) 드라이버 란도는 아재 개그를 하는군요 ㅋㅋ 하지만 란도도 겨우 25살이란게 함정..
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