제이크 설리번 인터뷰 찾아봤습니다.
페이지 정보
여기서 43:52 에 질문자가 한국대통령이 계엄령 했다라고 말하면, 관중들이 살짝 웃는 소리가 들립니다.
다른 질문들에는 그런 소리가 들리지 않는데, 그들이 봐도 얼마나 황당하면 저런 소리가 나올까요?
그리고 비공개적으로 협의한다는 뉴스를 봐서 어떤 단어를 썼는지 궁금해서 찾아봤습니다.
The first question here from someone in the audience is South Korea's president declared martial law, which he then lifted. (웃음)
What has been the White House response? It looked a little slow from our vantage point How would you I mean, what has been your response? How concerned have you been with the unfolding events in South Korea?
제이크 설리번, 국가안전보좌관
You know, you know, you're living in a modern information age when an entire episode like this unfolds over the course of less than a day and the characterization of the White House response is slow it's like, but it's a fair question. I mean, we were not consulted in any way. We learned about this from the announcement on television the same way the rest of the world did. It raised deep concern for us this declaration of martial law. The National Assembly worked according to constitutional processes and procedures. The president retracted martial law. Now there's a series of procedures in place to kind of react to what happened there and they'll be doing and flowing between the main parties in Korea. What we want to see is just the proper functioning of the democratic institutions of the ROK. And after this rather dramatic announcement that raised alarm bells everywhere, including here in Washington, we have seen those processes and procedures work. South Korea's democracy is robust and resilient and we're going to continue to speak out publicly and engage privately with South Korean counterparts to reinforce the importance of that continuing as we go forward.
unofficially 은 아니고,
개별적으로 참여,관여 하겠다는데 그럼 어떻게 할지 궁금하네요..
영어는 참 어렵네요..
라라랄랄라님의 댓글의 댓글
랑랑마누하님의 댓글
나라가 어쩌다 이모양이...(윤가놈 당선 때부터 예상된 거긴 합니다만...)
새바람그늘님의 댓글
Engage privately
With South Korean counterparts
이 부분을 주목해서 보면, 정부가 친위쿠데타 반민주적 행동을 한 것에 대해서
미국이 어떤 식으로 대응하게 될 것인지 표현한 것인데요.
윤석열과 그를 옹호하는 비상식적 반민주 위헌 세력은… 앞 날이 없습니다.
빨리 백기 투항하세요.